N’kira Brooks
Patti Grace Smith Fellow, Class of 2023
New York University, Mechanical Engineering & Game Design, ‘23
Host Institution: Astroscale
N'kira is a senior at New York University studying Mechanical Engineering and Game Design. She is the co-founder and propulsion lead of the student-led CubeSat team, Isomer Space Program (ISP) and is currently working towards devleopping a liquid-fed pulsed plasma thruster. In addition to ISP, N'kira is a member of The Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholars Program at NYU as well as NYU's NACME chapter. Through these programs, she dedicates her time to building up and problem solving to meet the needs of her communities. Throughout her college career she's been involved in and created a variety service projects, and hopes to contribute the skills she's learned from these experiences to the field of aerospace.
Fun Fact:
N'kira is passionate about storytelling and art. She's currenlty working on a mixed media collection of art pieces that share fairytales and mythologies of the African Diaspora.