Frequently Asked Questions
I am a Junior/Senior in college. Do I qualify for the program?
Yes! Potential applicants for the Class of 2024 are eligible so long as they are current undergraduate or associates degree students. You must be currently enrolled in a degree program at the time of application.
Does the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship accept international students?
Due to US export compliance and work eligibility laws and regulations, in order to be eligible for our program, you must be a US citizen, US Permanent Resident (“Greencard” holder), a US national, or a lawfully admitted refugee or asylum seeker legally able to work in the United States. Requirements for specific host companies may vary, so some applicants eligible for a Fellowship may not be eligible for individual host company match candidates.
I am not an engineer, can I still apply?
Absolutely! We also have fantastic internships available in business, policy, communications, and more. The only requirement that we have is that you have an interest in a career in the Aerospace Industry.
I’m not eligible for this program. What other opportunities are there?
In order to apply for the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship program, you should identify as Black or African-American, be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or associates degree program, be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, seeking your first ever internship in aerospace. If any of these do not apply to you, we recommend you check out our sister programs, the Brooke Owens Fellowship, the Zed Factor Fellowship, the Zenith Pathways Canada program, and the Sally Ride Fellowship. The programs are based on a similar structure, but have some key differences in terms of eligibility and community.
How many fellows get accepted in a given year?
We aim for between 30-45 fellows per application cycle.
When will I know if I got selected?
We aim to send out letters of acceptance for our Class of 2025 around the end of November 2024.
Does the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship do additional STEM outreach?
Our founding team is currently brainstorming ways to extend our STEM advocacy in the future. Many of our wonderful alumni are already engaged in great outreach activities!
You all gave out scholarships to fellows last fellowship class. How much total in scholarships were given?
To date, our program has awarded $390,000 in scholarships. Typically, Patti Grace Smith Fellows receive scholarship grants of $2,500 — in addition to the living wage they earn through their internships and their all-expenses-paid trip to our annual Summit. These funds can be used for anything that advances the Fellow’s academic and professional development. Fellows can use these funds to pay tuition, to buy textbooks or computers, or to purchase professional attire, among other things.
I would like my company to employ a Fellow. How can we get involved?
For host company inquiries, please send us a message at our Contact Us channel to express your interest. A representative from our volunteer executive team will get in contact with your company representative to discuss logistics.
I would like to serve as a mentor for this organization. How do I volunteer?
For mentoring inquiries, please send us a message at our Contact Us channel to express your interest. A representative from our volunteer executive team will get in contact with your company representative to discuss logistics.
I am interested in supporting the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship, but I do not have the time to be a mentor. How can I support?
We understand! We know that everyone is swamped doing awesome things for the aerospace industry. We always need help spreading the word about the Fellowship on college campuses and through social and traditional media. You can also make a tax-deductible donation to support our program.